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Stay safe on the Roads these Easter Holidays with Tyrepower.

If you are heading away for the weekend this Easter, there are a number of vehicle checks you can simply perform at home.

Easter is a time to enjoy with family and friends. Let’s make sure your car is safe and up for the trip.

With Easter just around the corner, most of us will be doing some kind of driving either for work, or you might have a planned holiday trip to see family and friends.

It’s important to have your car checked regularly by a professional but there are also a number of things you can do to make sure it's safe this Easter weekend.

A few simple things you can check yourself at home are:

  • Tyre tread and condition
  • Fluids and oils
  • Wiper blades
  • Car battery
  • Lights and accessories

Maintain a safe vehicle with optimum tread life.

There are a number of things that can go overlooked when heading off travelling during holiday breaks. Your tyres should be at the top of your checklist whenever you are heading off on long distance trips but they are equally important when driving about town.

Consider your tyres as a safety feature, you wouldn’t use a faulty seat belt now would you? Your tyres are the only thing connecting you with the road, so you want to have faith in your ability to stop or maneuver your vehicle especially in the case of an emergency.

A simple walk around your car to observe your tyres will allow you to pick up on any signs of damage or tread wear and tear. Using the tread depth bar indicators located in your tyres longitudinal grooves, you can check your tread depth. When your tread has reached these bars, it's time to replace your tyres.

Tread depth bars can be seen in your tyres center grooves. A minimum of 1.5mm is the legal requirement in Australia.

Sometimes it may be necessary to keep another set of wheels and tyres for different applications. This is common among 4WD enthusiasts, running on All-Terrain tyres around town and for work, then committing to the tracks by replacing them with Mud-Terrains.

You may also store winter or All-Season tyres for your passenger car. This is a great way of getting the most out of your tyres in both performance and longevity, saving you money in the long run.

Having two sets of tyres may be a financial stretch for many, so choosing the right tyre for your intended driving purpose is crucial. Whether you're choosing tyres for your SUV, passenger car or 4WD, Tyrepower can assist you in making the right choice.

Check your car's fluids and oils

Checking your vehicle's fluids and oils is really important to keep your car running in optimum condition.

Checking oils and fluids is important in maintaining a safe and reliable vehicle.

Maintaining your vehicle's fluids is a simple check that can be performed in the home driveway. Your motor oil, coolant, wiper fluid, brake, steering and clutch fluids can all be checked and topped up with little to no mechanical knowledge. Check your vehicle’s user manual for more information or call Tyrepower today.

Check and clean your wiper blades regularly

Wiper blades are often overlooked until you are in a downpour and your visibility is limited due to watermarks in your vision. Simply cleaning your wiper blades regularly with a damp cloth will help to prolong their life and ensure they are working effectively. Wiper blades typically need to be replaced every 6 to 12 months which is inexpensive and easy to do at home.

Inspect your blades regularly and clean with a damp cloth.

Check your car battery before heading off on any road trip

Most modern car batteries now come equipped with a visible battery check window. Century batteries have a clear circular window that will display a green ring with a red center. This indicates the battery is in proper working condition. A red ring and center means your battery needs to be replaced and will most likely not even start the car.

Charge indicator window visible on century battery.

Check your lights and vehicle accessories

Checking your vehicles lights and accessories like trailer plugs and driving lights is important before any long distance driving or holiday trip. Double check your roof racks are secured and your spare tyre is inflated and secured properly.

It's important to be equipped and secured when heading off road.

If you’re heading off the main roads for some 4Wd’ing it's important to have the proper recovery gear on board. A number of our Tyrepower stores in Western Australia specialise in 4WD parts and accessories, call today to find out more.

Professional advice and service is only a phone call away. With over 50 Tyrepower stores located throughout Western Australia, there is a store near you. For more information and to find your nearest store, simply call Tyrepower on (08) 9295 0344.

Request a quote and we will be in touch via SMS shortly

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